Why do I need CCTV
Why do I need CCTV?
simple, whether you realize it or not loss prevention is a necessity for retails and EAS or electronic article surveillance is only one part of loss prevention. Effective Loss Prevention programs use a collection of different retail security measures. If have a large store and the checkout register is not next to the exit it can be hard to tell who the shoplifter really is.
I know, your thinking it is obviously the person holding the tagged merchandise. What if they hid the article in a bag or under their clothes?
More common is that multiple people exited the store at once and now what are you going to do? Search them? not likely.
EAS will stop 90% of shoplifters but the other 10% are professionals, and pros need to be caught in the act so you can prosecute them. CCTV allows you a little comfort; it is like having eyes in the back of your head.
Better surveillance systems will allow you to access them remotely, meaning you can be anywhere in the world and as long as there is internet access you can watch what is happening in the store. This type of retail security also helps with the help, see if people are stealing, goofing off, mistreating customers or on the other side monitoring the store can show you who is working hard.