Dry Donkey is all Sourced out.
Security Cat: have you heard?
Marume Tomei: what?
Security Cat: Dry donkey is looking to open 70 new stores and will be source tagging once they are set up.
Marume Tomei: I thought Dry Donkey was on that old school stuff.
Security Cat: They still are, and will be for some time still; however sourcing is the future. It is a whole new high. Soon all the stores will be sourcing. What will happen to security tags? There is no room out there for a Best Security Industries, with their army of MicroGators.
Marume Tomei: Someone once told me, Scrap them off Clair, if you want to same someone save yourself!
Nice post loxley. Dry Donkey is quite a little troublemaker. Dry Donk'em.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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