
Friday, November 05, 2010

Nyesha Porter is on the loose in Tulsa...

Nyesha Porter is loose in Tulsa Oklahoma. She is sought by local authorities for attempting to murder a loss prevention officer by running him over with her car. Nyesha Porter is a convicted arsonist that seems to be branching out to shoplifting. Thankfully loss prevention professionals are out there protecting the public good.


At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:05 AM, Blogger Nabila Widianti said...

Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once
Ladies ! Inilah 7 Makanan Sehat Yang Dapat Melancarkan ASI, Cara Mengatasi Penumpukan Cairan Berlebihan Di Dalam Rongga Perut (Asites),


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